SuperNats XXVII


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SuperNationals 27


Will close Mon, Oct 28 at 11:59 PM PDT

Supernationals 27 November 13-17, 2024
Las Vegas Motor Speedway
7000 Las Vegas Blvd N
Las Vegas, NV 89115
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SKUSA SuperNationals XVI Priority Pre-Entry Deadline is This Friday, August 31
Wednesday, 29 August 2012 09:14
At the beginning of the 2012 racing season, Superkarts! USA officials took a stand in supporting their dedicated customers. The organization elected to provide their racers with the lucrative opportunity of being guaranteed a spot in the annual SKUSA SuperNationals in Las Vegas through their new ‘Priority Pre-Entry Program’. Wait lists for the race have grown in length over the last couple of years, and the chance to reserve an entry in the country’s biggest event has become invaluable. Any competitor who raced in this year’s SKUSA Pro Tour SpringNationals, pre-entered for the SummerNationals by July 1, or drove in ANY ProKart Challenge regional event by the June 30-July 1 weekend was provided with a reserved spot on the entry list until August 31. They simply had to register by the end of August. This window of opportunity will close on Friday, August 31 at MIDNIGHT. After that time, all drivers who have not yet entered will then lose their reserved spot – and for most, that means moving to the end of the waiting list for their class if they wish to race in Las Vegas. Simply put, the time is NOW to take advantage of your reserved entry opportunity.

“Last year, we watched a few of our core customers miss out on running in the SuperNationals when the mad rush for pre-entries began. The second we opened registration, other competitors began gobbling up the available grid spots,” offered Tom Kutscher, SKUSA President. “A couple of classes were sold out in a couple of weeks and this caught some of our regular racers off-guard. This year, we wanted to make sure that we took care of the racers who support us month-in and month-out, and our Priority Pre-Entry Program was put into place. We’re going to evolve it a little for 2013, but right now, we urge all of our regular drivers to get their entries in now if they plan to run. Otherwise, they’re going to be out of luck. On September 1, all of the remaining reserved positions will be put back into the inventory and we’re going to start working our way down the waiting list in the applicable classes, getting those drivers officially entered in the race who have been waiting and hoping for a spot. In a handful of classes, we’re still going to be turning people away with our cap of 80 competitors. This year’s race is going to be incredible!”

SKUSA’s reserved drivers in the S1, S5 and TaG Cadet categories can register online with their credit card any time between now and Friday night when they are ready at, as these classes are not yet sold out. However, if they are not registered by midnight on August 31, they no longer exist on a reserved list and their class becomes 100% first come, first served to all entrants until they max out at the class cap.

It is a little more complex for the classes of S2, S4, TaG Senior, TaG Master and TaG Junior – for these drivers, it is IMPERATIVE that if they wish to be part of the SuperNationals festivities, they act NOW! These classes are currently closed to online entries and they have been marked SOLD OUT already, based on the reserved drivers. All competitors in the Priority Pre-Entry Program will need to contact Patti Kutscher directly in the SKUSA National office via email at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it or by phone during office hours (951-491-0808) by end of business on Friday to add their entry back to the online inventory so that the system will allow them to register online with their credit card. If a reserved driver in one of the SOLD OUT classes does NOT arrange with Patti to register by midnight on August 31st, their entry will no longer be reserved, and SKUSA will begin to coordinate directly with wait-listers in each of these classes to register into the opened spots – one by one – and IN ORDER OF THE OFFICIAL SKUSA WAIT LIST. All wait-listers are date and time stamped as to when they sent their request to be put on the wait list.

Lastly, if any reserved drivers know now that they cannot, or are not planning to, race at the SuperNationals this year, it would be much appreciated if they could send a courtesy email to This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it informing SKUSA as such, so that they will know for sure and can start working in the wait-listers right away.

KZ2, the only other category in the current class line-up, is not affected by the Priority Pre-Entry program. Registration remains open in the SKUSA Store at this time, although the category is already filling up, and a full field is certainly expected.

The 2012 Superkarts! USA SuperNationals is guaranteed to be the largest in its 15-year history, and the entry count could close in on 600 racers. SKUSA continues to focus on improving the race each year, and they are looking forward to once again playing host to the most exciting race in North American karting.

For any and all information regarding Superkarts! USA, head to For information on the SuperNationals event specifically, click on the SUPERNATS XVI link at the top of the homepage.